In LTV Studio Associato, the professionals, although of different extraction as lawyers and certified accountants, have been working for over 20 years in a synergic and integrated way, jointly assessing their client’s demands and therefore assuring them professional counseling.
In an increasingly complex law environment, this approach enables the client to benefit from full assistance and to evaluate the issues raised and the solutions provided simultaneously from two different points of view, benefiting from comprehensive advice and from the fact that it is given by the same professional firm.
The in cloud management systems allow constant updating and enable the client to concentrate on his business.
The client chooses LTV because he knows that he is given assistance for:
accounting, tax records and financial statements;
extraordinary transactions (fusions, due diligence, M&A, ecc.);
contracts’ and statements’ examination and drafting;
relations with the Revenue Agency regarding the verification and control activities and also the assessment and collection phase;
legal and tax litigation over the entire national territory and also before the higher courts.
The Studio is also able to offer his clients services of other professionals (employment experts, lawyers for labour and criminal laws), in order to always satisfy every assistance request.