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Andrea Caretto

Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor


Italian, English

Dr. Andrea Caretto has collaborated with Studio Tributario e Societario (Deloitte) for over six years and at another primary international legal studio for five years.


Its main areas of expertise include corporate income, extraordinary operations (national and international acquisitions and reorganisations, tax due diligence), international taxation (with reference to both direct and indirect taxes) and financial statement (riclassificazione dati e riconciliazione tra US Gaap, IFRS e principi contabili nazionali).


He got a degree in Business Administration at Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia. He obtained the annual diploma of Master Tax at IPSOA (Wolters Kluver), Milan.


He is enrolled in the Register of Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors of Milan.


P. IVA:11291960968 


Via Mazzini 22

20037 Paderno Dugnano

+39 02 82 87 18 96


Viale Piave 21

20129 Milano

+39 02 82 87 18 96

Associazione Professionale

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